JEBEL focuses on the Neoproterozoic basement evolution of Jordan and Egypt, in order to better understand this critical period in Earth history. Some of the most important, rapid, and enigmatic changes in the history of our Earth’s environment and biota occurred during the Neoproterozoic Era (1000–545 million years ago), including the appearance of hard-bodied organisms, dramatic extremes between hot and cold climate including major episodes of continental glaciation that may have covered the entire planet, marked increases in the oxygen concentration of the atmosphere and hydrosphere, and extreme variations in the isotopic composition of C and Sr in the Earth’s oceans. Tectonic changes significantly influenced these biological and climatic variations. Understanding the causes of, and relationships between, these biological, climatic and tectonic changes in the Neoproterozoic requires a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach. Consequently, tectonic, structural, geochronological, and geochemical investigations of the Neoproterozoic lithosphere are crucial for providing fresh insight into this period of Earth history.
The project initially ran for 3 years (2008–2010) but as recently been extended to 5 years (through 2012).
Victoria Pease is the P.I. for the project proposal. Please contact her for more information.
This site is maintained by V. Pease.